Great Land Plus sees exceptional results at pasture trial harvests
How the product performed at its commercial field trial.
Throughout the 2015/16 dairy season, over 40 dairy farmers across Victoria and southern NSW participated in conducting 118 split paddock trials to compare pasture growth and pasture harvested between treated and control paddocks. Weekly plate metering was conducted and grazing times recorded for the computation of pasture consumption. We discovered regional average gains of 12% to 37% in pasture harvested (kg dry matter per hectare). When cows are fully fed, this additional dry matter converts directly to production of milk.
Observations commonly reported in comparisons between treated and control areas include:
- Visual increase in pasture density, higher clover content and reduction in weeds.
- Treated areas were more heavily grazed and evenly grazed – indicating better palatability.
- Treated areas remained greener for longer during dry periods.
All of these points demonstrate the positive influence of Great Land Plus® on the quality and health of pastures, and the benefits provided to the animals grazing on treated pastures.