MYLO® Spring Calving Promotion

24th Jun 2024 – 31 Oct 2024

Buy 3 x 20L or 1 x 200L MYLO® and receive a


Terms and Conditions

Vests can only be redeemed via our website using a valid 9-digit code given to customers by our stockists. Size guide can be found here. Offer ends 31st October 2024. MYLO® can be purchased in one or more transactions during the promotional period to qualify. No limit on number of vests per customer. Contact your local MYLO® stockist for more details (Where To Buy – Terragen).

Better calves. Better returns.

MYLO® is an easy-to-use feed supplement that improves calf growth and health. With MYLO®, you can wean calves around 10 days earlier, saving on average $40/calf with less feed and labour required.

When you supplement your calves’ diet with MYLO® on a daily basis, you amplify nature for improved gut function and accelerated rumen development. The good gut bacteria out-perform potentially harmful bacteria, leading to increased feed efficiency, more energy and better-quality calves.

Research from the University of Queensland’s School of Veterinary Science found calves fed 10mL of MYLO® per day were 8%, or approximately 6kg, heavier at weaning with the same feed intake.

In 2021, 80,000 calves across Australia were fed MYLO® daily.

Looking for a product that gets results?

MYLO® benefits for calves

        • Earlier weaning (target weights up to 10 days earlier)
        • Heavier weaning weight (up to 6kg heavier)
        • Faster and stronger gut development for better digestion and nutrient absorption
        • Healthier (more energy, shiny coats and stronger appetite)
        • Better immunity and more resilient

MYLO® benefits for farmers

        • Improved feed conversion
        • Less labour
        • Lower animal health costs

By starting MYLO® in your calves from birth, you are ensuring their gut is populated with ‘good’ bacteria. These bacteria improve feed digestion, ensuring your calves get the most nutrients from their diet, improving growth rates and enhancing gut development, allowing for earlier weaning. The probiotic bacteria in MYLO® can help outcompete pathogens (bad bacteria) in the gut, helping keep calves healthy and making raising calves less stressful.

Enhanced growth, earlier weaning and reduced health costs can help save time and money when it comes to calf-rearing.


Science proves it works.

MYLO® has been developed over 10 years by a world-class science and innovation team based in Australia. Independent and commercial field trials prove its benefits.

The technology and innovation behind MYLO®

MYLO® is made with AmpliBoost® technology and innovation. This is Terragen’s proprietary intellectual property, which is helping us develop world-class microbial products.

MYLO® is FAMI-QS certified

FAMI-QS is a globally recognised accreditation scheme that ensures specialised feed supplement safety. The Code of Practice, led by the FIAAA (Feed Ingredients and Additives Association of Australia), covers requirements on good manufacturing processes, hazard control and quality assurance.

This accreditation is testament to Terragen’s optimal bioprocessing and product quality standards. Our team aim to ensure our products are safe to use and are of the highest standard throughout the whole process, from manufacturing to being delivered to the customer.

The FAMI-QS certification ensures the feed additives you use are ones you can trust.

Farmers and agents can see our newest MYLO® booklet.

Does MYLO® sound right for you? Find your nearest stockist here.

Product SDS

See the Safety Data Sheet for MYLO® here: